Published June 17, 2024
9 min read

Introduction to leaflet distribution

Leaflet distribution is a highly effective and impactful advertising tool. Also known as door drops, this clever marketing strategy sees promotional materials delivered directly to the homes and businesses of potential customers without using personal data.

Widely used by organisations of all types and sizes, door drop marketing can raise awareness, generate leads, and drive sales. And, by placing printed materials directly into the hands of potential customers, leaflet distribution successfully captures attention and engages your target audience.

While leaflet distribution is not a new form of marketing, the practice has evolved alongside technological advancements and consumer behaviour. With door drop marketing, you can reach every address in the UK if you want to. But rather than adopting a scattergun approach, savvy businesses are refining their campaigns with intelligent demographic and location targeting.

In this handy guide, we explain all the key pieces of information you need to know about leaflet distribution. And how investing in a strategic and targeted approach to leaflet distribution will help your business to generate rapid and measurable response rates, build a positive brand perception, and do so cost-effectively.

Leaflet distribution marketing – the stats

Printed, physical materials demand attention, unlike digital advertising, which is easily ignored or deleted.

By strategically designing and distributing eye-catching marketing materials, B2B and B2C brands can create an immediate and lasting impression, and increase the chances of their messages being consumed by the recipient.

Therefore, in offering a physical connection between businesses and potential customers, door-drop marketing is as popular an advertising tool today as ever.

And the stats don’t lie:

  • 80% of the UK’s top advertisers use door drops {Royal Mail Group}
  • 89% of consumers recall receiving a door drop mailing {DMA}
  • 45% keep leaflets on pin boards or in kitchen drawers {DMA}
  • 73% of door drops are opened, read, or filed {Royal Mail Group}
  • The under 35 age group are most likely to interact with door drops compared to other other age group (JICMAIL)
  • Mail has 35% better recall than social media advertising and 49% more than email {Royal Mail Group}
  • 67% of people were prompted to make a purchase as a result of receiving a door drop {Royal Mail Group}
  • On average, door drops are kept and remain in the home for 5.4 days, with 14% of them remaining present for over 28 days {Royal Mail Group}

When to use leaflet distribution for your brand

Whether you represent a big, medium, or small brand, targeted leaflet distribution will help you reach the perfect households and businesses for your campaign.

In particular, we find our customers use door drops to:

  • Advertise new products
  • Promote their services
  • Send out samples to generate interest 
  • Build brand awareness
  • Acquire new customers 
  • Ask for information/feedback 
  • Promote a local/regional event 
  • Support wider marketing campaigns 
  • Broadcast public sector messages
  • And more!

For example, here are some ways businesses use door drops to target potential customers across the UK.

  1. To launch a new product or service

    Door drops are a fantastic way to generate buzz when introducing a new product or service. Through visually appealing leaflets or brochures highlighting the features and benefits of your latest offering, you can pique interest and encourage potential customers to take action.

  2. When running seasonal/special offers

    Leaflet distribution is a great way to inform potential customers about time-sensitive offers and exclusive discounts.

    Rather than hoping people will find out about your promotions online, you can use eye-catching promotional material to educate recipients in their homes – and create a sense of urgency when doing so.

  3. To boost awareness in a local area

    Door drops can be a game-changer for businesses with a local presence. By carefully selecting those postcodes where your potential customers live and work, you can direct your efforts and resources where they will have the biggest impact.

    As well as introducing your business to those individuals who have yet to encounter your brand through other channels, you’ll also intensify awareness for those who have seen you pop up online.

  4. To communicate vital news

    Door drops are suitable for more than business messages. Public service providers such as local councils, political parties and health boards also use leaflets to communicate vital information to residents and service users.

Types of leaflet distribution methods

Leaflet distribution can help your business reach a broad audience within a defined location.

But as with all your marketing activity, your leaflet distribution campaigns must meet your KPIs and deliver ROI. But ensuring your door drop campaign is cost-effective requires the right approach.

Selecting the most suitable leaflet distribution method depends on your objectives and budget. But when it comes to types of door drop distribution, there are three main options to choose from.

  1. Solus leaflet distribution

    Are you looking to create a powerful and impactful leaflet distribution campaign? Look no further than Solus, where your leaflet takes centre stage, standing out as the sole promotional material recipients receive.

    With a Solus distribution campaign, you can expect exceptional visibility and a higher return on investment. Each leaflet is hand-delivered directly to the intended recipient’s doorstep, leaving no room for distractions or competition from other materials.

    This undivided attention guarantees that your message receives the focus it needs to make a lasting impression with your target audience.

    If you are looking for unparalleled awareness, undivided attention, and the power to make a memorable impact, then a Solus door drop is the best leaflet distribution method for your business.

  2. Shared leaflet distribution

    Shared leaflet distribution presents a cost-effective option where your marketing communication is delivered alongside other promotional materials. While it may not have the same impact as Solus, shared delivery is still a viable choice for businesses with a more limited budget.

    Opting for shared distribution allows you to benefit from reduced costs by sharing the delivery expenses with other advertisers.

    While your leaflet may receive less attention than a Solus campaign, it still reaches a broad audience and offers exposure to potential customers.

  3. B2B leaflet distribution

    B2B leaflet distribution does exactly what the name suggests by targeting businesses rather than individual consumers. This approach aims to increase brand awareness and drive lead generation for companies.

    Leaflets are delivered to locations where your target audience will be present, such as business parks or corporate offices. The potential reach is vast, as you could potentially reach decision-makers in multiple industries, which could lead to new partnerships and collaborations.

    The primary goal is to deliver your message to decision-makers and executives. The key to the success of B2B leaflet distribution is to ensure that the message conveyed in the leaflet is relevant, concise and compelling for the target audience.

The 6 powerful benefits to leaflet distribution

Leaflet distribution helps to educate people about your business or service. And when it comes to getting your message out there, this advertising medium offers several key benefits for businesses.

Indeed, from fast-growing eCommerce brands to charities, estate agents, restaurants, and public sector organisations, door drops are a versatile way to expand your customer base.

Here are six notable advantages of leaflet distribution campaigns:

  1. Precision targeting

    Not all leaflet distribution companies are created equal. So, when deciding how to invest your media budget, make sure your marketing material doesn’t end up in any random letterbox.

    Modern door drop campaigns use advanced, precision targeting to hone in on your target market’s specific demographics and geographic locations.

    For example, at Blue Market Media, we combine advanced Mosaic data (designed by Experian) to profile customers and advanced Geoplan software to ensure your message reaches the right people, in the right locations, at the right time.

    With us by your side, there are limits to who you can reach. Offering a fully nationwide service, we can support your brand in reaching consumers across any city, county or town, including: London, Manchester, Bristol, Nottingham, Cambridge, Oxford, Hampshire, Surrey, Milton Keynes and Sussex.

  2. Affordability

    Door drop marketing is highly cost-effective, especially compared to other marketing channels like TV or online ads. Such affordability makes leaflet distribution campaigns a very attractive option for businesses.

    And, of course, the ability to target specific areas helps to maximise your ROI by focusing on those addresses with the highest potential for customer engagement.

  3. Tangible marketing material

    Unlike online marketing, leaflet distribution campaigns provide a physical experience for recipients. By placing promotional materials directly into the hands of potential customers, you immediately create a sense of connection and engagement.

    This personal touch demands attention, and increases the likelihood of your marketing materials being seen, read, and remembered.

  4. Appeals to all demographics

    Think it’s only older generations who respond warmly to leaflet distribution due to nostalgia? Think again!

    Gen Y engages most positively with door drops because getting a physical item through the post is a novelty. In fact, the tangible nature of door drop marketing resonates with individuals across different age groups, cultures, and socioeconomic backgrounds.

    “The under 35s now interact with door drops more than any other age group, opening up a world of new prospecting opportunities with the channel.”

    Data & Marketing Association

    Moreover, if you use the power of precision targeting, you can adapt and tailor your messages to directly appeal to different audience groups.

  5. High engagement rates

    Door drop marketing helps to build brand awareness and visibility. And you’ll create a memorable impression and increase brand awareness using clever design and eye-catching flyers.

    Door drops are especially effective if you run an ongoing campaign that ensures recipients repeatedly encounter your brand throughout the year. As a result, you’ll boost the likelihood of people choosing your products or services when the need arises.

    Compellingly, as well as generating immediate sales, a well-thought-out leaflet distribution campaign will keep delivering the engagement you need – long after your flyer first popped through the letterbox.

  6. Cut through the noise

    Recent research suggests that individuals were flooded with about 6,000 to 10,000 ads every single day – with the vast majority online.

    In response, exasperated recipients of these advertisements are deleting before reading, marking as spam, or turning to ad-blocking technology to digitally declutter.

    Unlike digital advertisements, leaflet distribution cannot be easily skipped, blocked, or overlooked.

    Instead, the physicality of leaflets and brochures establishes a personal connection between businesses and potential customers; this helps to establish a meaningful impact amidst the noise of other advertising channels.

What should a good leaflet design include?

To effectively convey your intended messages and capture the attention of your desired recipients, you’ll want your leaflet to stand out for all the right reasons. Because while a well-designed flyer will generate a positive response, a poorly thought-out door drop could do more damage than good.

When appointing a leaflet design company to look after your marketing material, you must choose a team of experienced graphic designers with the skill to craft a bespoke leaflet that will authentically capture the essence of your brand.

Key elements for an effective leaflet design include:

  • A clear and compelling headline
  • Engaging visuals
  • Key branding elements (logo, colours, fonts, etc.) 
  • Persuasive and easy-to-read text 
  • A considered design to improve readability and flow  
  • Contact information
  • Links to your online channels (website and socials) 
  • A call to action (to tell people what to do next)
  • Quality paper and printing.  

Benefits of integrating door drops with other media channels

Door drops are a great addition to your marketing mix. And they aren’t only beneficial when you have something new to say.

To get the most out of your leaflet campaigns, consider using them throughout the year to support and enhance your wider marketing efforts.

A multi-channel approach will help you reinforce brand awareness and engagement by reaching individuals through different mediums and touchpoints.

For example, you can add QR codes and URLs to your leaflets to drive traffic to your digital channels and encourage recipients to explore your online offerings. You can also use data gleaned from digital campaigns to inform the geographic areas or demographics for your next door drop distribution.

What’s more, by incorporating digital tracking methods (e.g. bespoke URLs, landing pages, etc.), you can measure the response and effectiveness of your combined marketing efforts.

And by adopting a data-driven approach, you can refine your audience and messages where necessary, allocate resources effectively, and improve your overall marketing performance.

Did you know that:

  • 90% of campaigns that included door drops saw an increase in new customers, compared to 59% of those without {Royal Mail Group}
  • The proportion of door drops driving web visits is growing 50% year-on-year {DMA}
  • Integrated campaigns including door drops achieved +18% more frequency, and +7% more reach {Royal Mail Group}

And, as a direct result of receiving mail:

  • 92% of recipients have been driven to online/digital activity {DMA}
  • 87% have been influenced to make online purchases {DMA}
  • 86% have connected with a business online {DMA}

How to choose the right leaflet distribution agency for your business

By now, we expect that you are sold on the power of leaflet distribution. But using the right leaflet distribution agency is crucial to the success of your campaign.

Because even if your material is beautifully designed, it will fail if it doesn’t reach the right people. Likewise, if you deploy pinpoint targeting but get the messaging wrong, all your efforts could end up in the bin.

Helping with leaflet design, copywriting, print, delivery, and meticulous campaign planning, Blue Market Media provides a one-stop-shop for your leaflet distribution campaigns.

And, in an industry rampant with charlatans who make big promises but fail to deliver, we set the standard for quality and excellence.

Supporting our clients with all their targeted leaflet distribution needs, we pride ourselves on delivering measurable results that will exceed your expectations.

Whether you want to send out 10k or 500k+ leaflets, we offer a comprehensive, all-in-one solution that our competitors can’t match.

Now’s the time to book your free leaflet distribution consultation by calling us today on 020 3538 9753 or complete our website enquiry form.

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